Consider Philippians 4:11- Not that I speak in respect of want:for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
It was an epiphany for me when I realized that it said learned. Being content is a learned state. We have to work at it and strive for it.
When one looks at our society there are so many things pulling at our attention that when one steps back and considers the situation it becomes obvious that Satan is using our blessings against us. How many are caught up in a rat race, trying to have more than their neighbor, never realizing their sin of envy and greed and where that leads (theft, embezzling, working extra at the expense of family, idolizing money, etc)?
We have so much in America but many have no appreciation for what they have. We take for granted we have access to an electrical grid that’s always there. Maybe if money’s tight, it might get cut off. Not like much of the world where electricity may or may not be available regardless of personal circumstance. We take for granted the ability to have running water, whether it’s city water or well water. Our country is so much richer than most of the world that it’s hard to fathom.
Let us take a step back and really look at all the physical blessings God has allowed us. Let us be careful and cautious to not let Satan use those blessings against us. Rather, let us learn to be content with our blessings and let us be good stewards (I Corinthians 4:1-2) of those blessings.
Brandon Potter